Stephanie Shaver

Sometimes Writer Always Extremely Online

About Me

Hello, my name is Steph. I’ve been writing and publishing since 1988 and I’ve been in the games industry since 1996. I wrote a little bit more on the About Me page. This is my sometimes-updated website. Enjoy.


  • excessive

    Too much work on Wednesday-Friday. No work on creative stuff, except for a fresh stab at chapter one in an attempt to address the problems with my letting people into my crazy world. Obviously, I need to go to bed. And stop thinking about work. Continue reading

  • cover letter funtime happy happy go!

    So, in cover letters you are supposed to write a one to two sentence summary of the book. This is what I really wish I could write for Firebird: It is a story about a world without a sun and a heroine without a mother, and how her choices deliberately or inadvertantly change all that.… Continue reading

  • oh god

    I think I just wrote a prologue. Anyone who complains is getting a boot to the head. Continue reading

  • …or not

    I appear to have tuckered myself out. But I did write a few synopsis paragraphs, and I did talk to the collaborator about stuff and things. This week I have to do two pitch letters for two different projects. I think I’ll go to bed early tonight. Continue reading

  • it’s that time….

    I’m being dragged off by a synopsis sometime tonight. D’ya suppose sandpaper can buff out the furrows my nails’ll leave in the floorboards? Continue reading

  • report, maggot!

    Two first readers have already reported back to say they’ve finished. Reviews are good, but I’m getting very few heavy critiques, and that makes me nervous. A year’s worth of work, devoured in less than 72 hours by voracious readers. Hmph. I’m still resisting the temptation to crack the book open. That will come next… Continue reading

  • in fallow fields lie sleeping

    Though I’m not nearly as tightly wound as the last time I put myself through this, I did toss and turn most of the night away. And, of course, there are a million things I wish I’d done differently and a thousand things I could have done better, but…. Now is the time to forget… Continue reading

  • scene-by-scene

    Making it an early night tonight. I wanted to write, but between aikido and dinner and finding a mold monster hiding in my pantry, I’m exhausted. However, while I got nothing done on SoS today, I did three pages of outline on that other book I’ve been kicking around since my forced vacation on Saturday.… Continue reading