About Me
Hello, my name is Steph. I’ve been writing and publishing since 1988 and I’ve been in the games industry since 1996. I wrote a little bit more on the About Me page. This is my sometimes-updated website. Enjoy.
I think I’m having more fun writing the flashbacks than the main story. -_- Welp. Continue reading
the contract is signed, munin returns
“The Highjorune Masque” is officially part of the next Valdemar anthology lineup, thank the Maker, pass the rum. I wrote 1,000 words today to/from work, mainly by writing a section I wasn’t sure I was going to write, and also by dragging in an old new character who is fun and mysterious and (okay) sexy:… Continue reading
oscillating stories
I’m writing two novels at the moment, both with a different set of characters and worlds. This is probably madness, but it also seems to be working. The first one is modern times, but there’s still worldbuilding involved because I made Los Angeles disappear and my main character still hasn’t told me what, exactly, she… Continue reading