Stephanie Shaver

Sometimes Writer Always Extremely Online

About Me

Hello, my name is Steph. I’ve been writing and publishing since 1988 and I’ve been in the games industry since 1996. I wrote a little bit more on the About Me page. This is my sometimes-updated website. Enjoy.

the lost art of long-form blogging

I miss it.

Facebook and Twitter make it easy to be off-handed and clever (or what passes for such around here), but I admit to missing my longer blog posts, where I tried to be off-handed and clever in more than 140 characters.

I’m also pondering a new domain name.  I know.  I already have, like, twelve.  Why another one?  Because a lot of who I was three years ago has changed, and is still changing, and the old domains just don’t fit anymore.  Domain names!  Like tattoos, without the regret.

Anyway.  I am pondering The Wind Through the Keyhole and whether I want to read it, and the answer is, probably, yes.  Understand that The Drawing of the Three and specifically the characters in that book are some of my favorites in literature, and I was absolutely disappointed by the way The Dark Tower ended.  Not the end-end (I thought that was right), but the ultimate final showdown with the Crimson King, the seeming uselessness of Song of Susannah, and the weird spider-kid whose only purpose seemed to be to “meaningfully” kill off  a couple characters.

But King has always had issues, it seems, with ending stories, and The Dark Tower as a series started to show structural weakness around Wolves of the Calla, so the ultimate decline and decay of the story doesn’t surprise  me.  (Given the themes of the series, it almost seems inexorable.)  If there had been no Crimson King showdown at the end, I think I would have actually thought that final book perfect, and just ignored Song of Susannah.  Ah well.

But yes, I will probably read Keyhole.  Because as I said: Roland’s ka-tet are some of my favorite characters ever, and I am a sucker.

Writing-wise: not going to talk about it.  Just safe to say whatever I’m working on right now is brewing in my brain.