About Me
Hello, my name is Steph. I’ve been writing and publishing since 1988 and I’ve been in the games industry since 1996. I wrote a little bit more on the About Me page. This is my sometimes-updated website. Enjoy.
NaNoWriMo 2012
Done! Sorta. Comments and thoughts here. Continue reading
so this is happening
And in case the graphic isn’t loading: I’ve started a NaNoWriMo novel. Not set in any previous universe. Just flirting with some ideas. Trying to find something that’ll drive me. Continue reading
the lost art of long-form blogging
I miss it. Facebook and Twitter make it easy to be off-handed and clever (or what passes for such around here), but I admit to missing my longer blog posts, where I tried to be off-handed and clever in more than 140 characters. I’m also pondering a new domain name. I know. I already have,… Continue reading