About Me
Hello, my name is Steph. I’ve been writing and publishing since 1988 and I’ve been in the games industry since 1996. I wrote a little bit more on the About Me page. This is my sometimes-updated website. Enjoy.
June 2008
end, chapter one
I think. I’m worried it’s not hooky enough. Eh. I know better than to worry too much about that at this stage. I took a couple right turns between one day to the next, which means I actually wrote half again what I needed. I used to keep these bits of unused writing, but after… Continue reading
palm wine and dust
And more writing. Hey, maybe this laptop wasn’t a vanity purchase after all. Cannot for the life of me figure out how to network my computers. Suspect that XP and Vista do not want to cooperate. I wouldn’t care so much, except my frickin’ music is all over on Gertrude (the PC in the basement),… Continue reading
white-fleshed peaches
I really love nectarines, and this is the best time of year for them. Yum. I wrote today, and I wrote yesterday, in one of the three projects. On non-writerly-related writing, I also am working on a new campaign setting for my D&D campaign. I’ve never thought about publishing any of my campaigns…but I kind… Continue reading
the village idiot
I caved into my inner geek and bought a laptop. The economic stimulus and story sale for the Valdemar anthology both helped in this decision. I’ve been writing, I just haven’t been blogging. All is well. Sleep now. Continue reading