Stephanie Shaver

Sometimes Writer Always Extremely Online

About Me

Hello, my name is Steph. I’ve been writing and publishing since 1988 and I’ve been in the games industry since 1996. I wrote a little bit more on the About Me page. This is my sometimes-updated website. Enjoy.

he said I will always comfort thee

Stopping early tonight. Still haven’t resolved or, in my opinion, appropriately set up the conflict. Working on that.

Too many words. May have to drop one of the story threads to favor the main thread.

Arrrr. I should just write novels. It’s easier.

I did leave this helpful note to myself:

    Screaming kids!

    Ghost stories!

    I saw something in the forest and then Herda came out and the thing ran away!

I can’t stop listening to Flogging Molly until the story is done. Flogging Molly is this story’s official band, goddammit, and I will wear those MP3s into digital dust if I have to.