Stephanie Shaver

Sometimes Writer Always Extremely Online

About Me

Hello, my name is Steph. I’ve been writing and publishing since 1988 and I’ve been in the games industry since 1996. I wrote a little bit more on the About Me page. This is my sometimes-updated website. Enjoy.

January 2008

  • sound reason

    432 words, and some sense of where I’m going. I have to steal the time, but I’m finding it. The lure of a laptop is very strong this month. Argh. Continue reading

  • and I was starting to worry…

    Ahhhh, finally. The story reveals itself. What a relief. I still am not entirely certain what the resolution is, but I have an inkling of the direction. 5,000 words is not a lot to play with, but I am bound and determined to continue the theme of the series. Which is, of course, “average life… Continue reading